A half century of photographs by Joel Mandebaum
and some by my father, Joseph Mandelbaum, who was a
marvelous photographer and got me hooked on this.
Please click on the links at the top of the page to go to the photo essays. Thank you for your interest. . Photographs are for sale. They are hinge mounted and displayed in custom made acid free mattes.
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My interest in photography began in my father's closet-sized basement darkroom. I would spend hours there entranced by the images that would appear magically. When we traveled, I would carry the extra lenses for his Nikon F which was used for slide film and his Yashica twin lens which was reserved for black and white film. We would discuss photos, lighting, composition, and the difference between Kodachrome I and Kodachrome II.
I have, however, fully made the transition from film to digital
My only formal training was in two college courses with David Batchelder at Amherst College, Mass. . I also spent some time studying with Dan McCormack at the Woodstock Center for Photography. Both of these men provided great instruction and encouragement.
My work has been displayed in two solo shows at the Arts Societ of Kingston and at other venues in Kingston, New York. I have had photographs published in Appalachian Trailway News", "Adirondac", and the Appalachian Trail Conference and Adirodack Mount Club calendars.
I am a retired family physician living in Kingston, New York. This photography habit would not be possible without the support and tolerance of my wife, Ruth. She also does much of my matting and framing.